TikTok Claims That We Can Feel Ovulation, Is It True?

If you are a TikTok user, you may have noticed that the platform is for more than just uploading and viewing dancing videos and funny memes. People also share all sorts of valuable information about health and wellness through short videos! TikTok user @thepaigeypaige recently shared a fascinating experience with a condition called Mittelschmerz. This German word translates to “middle pain.” It refers to the sharp, cramping pain some feel in their lower abdomen during ovulation. Read on to discover all about this fascinating condition.

What is Mittelschmerz?

Mittelschmerz is a common condition that affects many people with ovaries. Characterized by a sharp, cramping pain in the lower abdomen that occurs during ovulation, this condition is caused by the swelling of the follicle that surrounds the developing egg.

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Mittelschmerz may sound like a scary and complex medical term, but it is more common than you think. If you have ever felt a sharp, cramping pain in the lower abdomen during the middle of your menstrual cycle, it is possible that you have experienced Mittelschmerz.

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