Vitamins And Minerals: Everything A Woman Should Eat To Stay Healthy

Have you ever heard that famous phrase that says, “you are what you eat”? Well, start applying it to your life! Whether your dining style is “grab ‘n’ go” or “sit and chill,” paying attention to what you put on your plate is worth it. Since women’s nutritional needs change throughout life, we’ve prepared a list of six vitamins and minerals you should include in your diet. Getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy may not be easy, but this list will surely make the task more manageable!


Each nutrient plays a specific role in keeping us healthy, but few of them are as important as calcium. Apart from preventing fragile bones in our elder years, this vital mineral aids blood circulation, muscle movement, and hormone release. How versatile!

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Since our bodies can’t produce calcium, we can only rely on certain foods, such as dairy products, dark green vegetables, and white beans, to get it. If you believe that you need to increase this mineral intake, you can add supplements, like calcium carbonate and calcium citrate, to your diet.

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