The Origins Of Modern Medicine: Which Was The First Remedy Created In A Lab?

Medicine is as old as humanity itself. Since they started walking in our hind legs, humans have used herbs and minerals to cure illnesses and treat injuries. However, over the past three centuries, this scientific field has seen significant breakthroughs that went hand in hand with technological advances. Today, we’ll delve into the origins of modern antibiotics by traveling back in time and tracking down the first remedy created in a lab. Enjoy this tiny yet fascinating short lesson on the history of medicine!

Ancient folk cures

Before science became the basis upon which we built everything, people believed in religion, magic, and witchcraft. Doctors in Ancient Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome resorted to natural elements to make potions, powders, and creams to treat illnesses and injuries.

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But they weren’t effective at all, you know? Despite being mixed in early versions of modern laboratories, these folk cures rarely worked as expected, and some were actually poisonous. No doubt people couldn’t live longer than 30 years back then!

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