Depression: What Foods Can Someone Eat To Fight It?

Have you realized how hungry you get while looking at pictures of tasty dishes or how your mood changes when you eat a delicious meal? As you’ve probably noticed, our brains and guts are linked, so much so that our food intake affects our hormone production. Because of that, many researchers have concluded that maintaining a healthy diet can help us keep our minds healthy. However, that raises a new question: which foods may help you fight depression? Read on to find out!

Leafy greens

Do you know what food is healthy and can also boost your mood? Leafy greens! Why? Well, it turns out that these vegetables are packed with folate and magnesium, two nutrients that are helpful for reducing anxiety and depression.

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The best way to include these veggies in your diet is to serve them as a side salad at lunch, stir some spinach into your scrambled eggs, or make a quick stir-fry with cabbage and bok choy. Your mind and body will thank you for it!

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