Find Out What Are The Pros And Cons Of Plant-Based Proteins

Nowadays, more and more people are adopting plant-based diets, and it’s not a fad. In fact, it has been proven that reducing meat consumption has several benefits. Firstly, consuming a lot of red and processed meats, such as beef and pork or cured hams and salamis, has been associated with an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. Even if you enjoy eating it and have no qualms about the ethics of consuming animals, you might benefit from learning more about other types of protein. After all, it’s always best to have a varied diet, right?

A million new options

You didn’t think that tofu was the only vegan protein option, right? Since the market for plant-based proteins has been growing for a while, companies have begun offering several different kinds of powders, milk, and meat substitutes. There’s bound to be something for everyone.

Photo: Monica Bertolazzi via Getty Images

Lactose intolerant? Forget soy drinks. Grab some oat milk and coconut ice cream, and you’ll never have to worry about farting at dinner again. What about vegans who want to bulk up? There are plenty of protein powders for them available in all sorts of flavors.

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