These Herbs Have Actual Proven Health Benefits

When it comes to herbal supplements and remedies, you should always tread carefully. Recent fads have seen influencers and celebrities promote “natural” cures that don’t have much effect or, even worse, may negatively affect people’s health. This means that we should all be extra cautious and consult with a physician before taking anything. To help, we’ve compiled a small list of plants that, according to scientific proof, have beneficial effects on humans. You might find something useful!

Echinacea, or coneflower

Native Americans had an intimate knowledge of the vegetation that grew in their territories and its effects. They used many plants as remedies for all sorts of ailments, and some have been scientifically proven to be somewhat effective, is echinacea or coneflower.

Photo: Healthline

The plant only grows in North America’s east and central regions, and you can consume everything from the flowers to the roots. Some studies show that consuming it helped reduce the chances of contracting a cold, although it isn’t effective at curing it.

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