These Supreme Nurses Made Their Movies And Series Much More Iconic

We all know that nurses play a huge role in the healthcare system. After all, they are the ones who provide primary patient care in any health facility. But nurses can also be important in media. From M.A.S.H. to Misery, there are many kinds of nurses in media… but one thing is true, all of them have made their movies and series much more interesting. Here is our list of iconic nurses in TV and cinema. You can share it with your friends if you agree with our picks!

Christine Chapel

What would have been of the Star Trek franchise without nurse Christine Chapel? Everybody on board the USS Enterprise would have been through hell! Luckily, this character, played by Majel Barrett-Roddenberr, was always there to save the day.

Image courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Majel Barrett-Roddenberry is actually known by fans as the “First lady of StarTrek” as she is the wife of Gene Roddenberry, the show’s creator. In the later versions, nurse Christine Chapel is played by the Australian actress Jess Bush.

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