First-Trimester Fatigue: Five Women Share Their Not-So-Pleasing Early Pregnancy Experiences

When you’re pregnant, you need to deal with plenty of issues. Are you getting plenty of sleep, but that doesn’t make your exhaustion disappear? Do you constantly feel nauseated, and the discomfort won’t go away? Well, sorry to tell you this, my friend, but what you’re experiencing is first-trimester fatigue, a common condition that affects all mothers-to-be. To help you see that you aren’t alone, here are five stories about ladies who went through the same as you. Read on to discover them!

Falling asleep at any time

Since forever, movies and TV shows have tried to convince us that carrying a new life in our wombs is a pleasant experience. However, that’s far from true. During the first three months of pregnancy, your baby needs as many nutrients as possible to grow healthy, which brings about some difficulties.

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Can you imagine this lady’s husband’s comical expression once she told him this? It’s great to see that this woman has someone to rely on, especially when you need to be supported and cared for. You’re as vulnerable as ever, after all!

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